Performance Management and Potential Assessment

Job of a manager is to recognize and harness full potential of their team, fostering their success in life. Often, people remain unaware of their capabilities, relying solely on feedback from their superiors through performance management system. However, these managers might lack the proper training to provide constructive feedback, may succumb to office politics, or … Continue reading Performance Management and Potential Assessment

Congress Manifestos- Same wine, same bottle, same label

For Rahul Gandhi, the history of the Congress party begins with his grandfather and seemingly ends with him. His family has produced three prime ministers, yet their leadership styles and objectives showed little variation. They focused on keeping the Congress leadership within the family, supporting a planned economy, endorsing socialism, adopting a pro-leftist stance, and … Continue reading Congress Manifestos- Same wine, same bottle, same label

Tatra Mountains, Bronisław Bandrowski, Hope

“Orestes beloved, as you die you destroy me. You have torn away the part of my mind where hope was.” ― Sophocles, Electra Nestled between Poland and Slovakia, the Tatra Mountains are a haven for adventurous souls, offering stunning landscapes and challenging treks. Bronisław Bandrowski was a promising Polish philosopher and psychologist. In 1914 he … Continue reading Tatra Mountains, Bronisław Bandrowski, Hope