Fiduciary, Broker and Headhunters

Fiduciary is a person whom you can trust with your money, he/she is supposed to invest your money keeping your interest in mind. This is different from broker, who is interested in earning commission. A broker may invest in stocks that are risky, just to earn their commission.

Just few days before fall of Enron, broker were asking their clients to buy Enron stock. This was not just wrong advice, but it was also unethical.

During the Enron debacle, it was workers who took the pounding, not bankers. Not only did Enron employees lose their jobs, many lost their retirement savings. That’s because they were at the bottom of the investing food chain.

Robert Kiyosaki

In recruitment industry, the headhunters should act like fiduciary, they should keep interest of client in mind not their commission. Headhunter recommending candidate a company which he know has bad work culture is being unethical. A headhunter is more likely to recommend bad company, if he gets more commission for such companies.

There are many instances of candidates landing up in companies with toxic culture, which headhunter was well aware of.

So be fiduciary and not a broker.

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